Not all coins are created equal, and not all coins are accepted into investment portfolios. The most important factor of investing American coins is ensuring the coin has a high grade, or purity. Yet, you don’t have to own a rare 1836 Seated Liberty Half Dollar to be a serious coin collector or investor.
Some of these early American gold and silver coins are extremely rare and can pull quite a hefty price. American coins minted during the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries feature some of the most beautiful designs and purest grades, like the world renowned Saint Gaudens Eagle. The Mint started converting precious metals into commercial coinage at no charge, but it wasn’t until 1893 that the Mint became a part of the U.S.
The United States Mint was created under the Coinage Act of 1792 and placed under the Department of State. American coins have a history as rich as the country itself.